What is IFOR?

IFOR is a unique coalition of individuals and organizations.  We are one of the most unusual sportsmen’s groups anywhere because we don’t blow the horn or promote the cause of any single special interest group.  IFOR represents all outdoorsmen, all sportsmen, and all recreational users.  We believe it is critical that we all band together under one large umbrella organization to form a united front against those who would take from us what is rightfully ours.  

To unite all outdoor resource user groups and conservationists (ex. hunters, fishermen, trappers, trail riders, etc.), dedicated to preserving, restoring and developing the State’s natural resources, and to provide a professional liaison to the Illinois Legislature and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), to protect sportsmen’s rights and recreational opportunities; and to work together to ensure long-term, adequate dedicated funding for, and professional management of the IDNR.

IFOR is a not-for-profit 501 C (4) Conservation Organization whose main purpose is to unite Illinois Outdoorsmen under one statewide umbrella and protect and defend the recreational rights of natural resource users in the state of Illinois.  Currently we have united over 100 conservation groups and in excess of 76,000 outdoorsmen as members of IFOR.

IFOR is also a not-for-profit 501 C (3) with its YOUTH EDUCATION & OUTDOOR RESOURCES FUND, INC.

P.O. Box 5, Godfrey, IL  62035